Body Hair - Yay Or Nay : Know The Right Way To Shave At Home - girl with armpit hair

Body hair has always been looked down upon since ages. Criticising this all - natural phenomena of the human body, just in females is not just sexist but also reveals the toxic beauty standards all women MUST adhere to! Beauty should be boundless, inclusive and should reflect your inner self. At House of Beauty, we believe in holistic beauty, beauty which comes from within and thus support different choices and ways of living.

Our body is our immediate home, looking after it and how it should be perceived should totally be up to us. Remember, hair removal is subjected to individuals’ opinions on beauty and not to their personal hygiene. It is not something you “have” to do as part of your routine maintenance, rather is a choice and should not even be addressed. Do you tell people around to wear/remove mascara or lipstick or any beauty product they wish to apply? If yes, the problem lies with you! Best solution to feel comfortable around somebody else’s body hair? LOOK AWAY!

Celebrity with body hair - Cardi B with stomach hair showing - How to own body hair

Having body hair should not be a part of any debate and should not be given the spotlight it still gets. It is rather one’s own choice to make. If you are one of the lovely ladies looking for a way to shave your body hair perfectly, you have come to the right place. 

House of Beauty Hair E Razor - Shave body hair easily at home - How to shave body hair the correct way

Steps for a perfect shave :

  1. Use House of Beauty’s dry brush to remove all the dead skin and ingrown hair to later shave off the body hair perfectly.
  2. Now, glide House of Beauty’s Hair E Razor in the direction of the hair growth on the required body part. This product is easy to use and comes with replaceable blades (to be bought separately!). It wonderfully adjusts to all the contours and curves of your body. We recommend shaving after applying any moisturizer for an easy hair removal.
  3. Finish off by using the soothing House of Beauty’s Hydroxy Gel Cream with the goodness of Apricot oil and Aloe Vera to hydrate and moisturize your skin.

Dealing with body hair isn’t any battle to win or lose, we all win if we stay strong and believe in the choices we make.


Shop here for more holistic beauty products!

Kamna Rajpal
Tagged: Beauty Health Skin