Modern Science is not the most synonymous term to Ayurveda, however, recent research studies have shown how Modern Science is supported by Ayurvedic roots and fundamentals. In modern Science, cells are defined as the smallest living units of the body, which in turn form into tissues and then into muscles, followed by its development as an organ and then constitute the working system in the human body. According to Ayurveda, the human body operates on the 3 Dhatus i.e., Vata, Pitta and Kapha which controls the bodily tissues i.e., Sapta Dhatus.

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So, what exactly are Dhatus and how do they function? 

Ayurveda states that a physical body is formed by these 7 bodily tissues - Sapta Dhatus and are regulated by Tridosha.  

Saptudhatus - Ayurveda - Modern Science - What are Dhatus? - How do Dhatus function? - Health and Ayurveda

The seven dhatus are - 

  • Rasa Dhatu - Tissue Fluids/Plasma 
  • Rakta Dhatu - Blood
  • Mamsa Dhatu - Muscle
  • Meda Dhatu - Fat & Connective Tissues
  • Asthi Dhatu - Bone Tissue
  • Majja Dhatu - Bone Marrow
  • Shukra Dhatu - Reproductive System


The seven dhatus - Saptadhatus - What are Dhatus and how do they function? - Ayurveda


Just after digestion of the food, Rasa Dhatu is produced in the body with the aim to nourish all the body tissues / other 6 dhatus - Preenana. It goes parallel to Kapha Dosha, which controls it, meaning with an increase in Kapha Dosha, Rasa Dhatu also increases. It then provides energy to the body through its circulation throughout. 


Rakta Dhatu which gets its nourishment from Rasa Dhatu is guided by Pitta Dosha, their relationship again being proportional. Its basic function is to support life - Jeevana as it sustains life. Its balance results in a clear even skin tone, better immunity, contentment and a longer life. 


As talked about earlier, the next Dhatu - Mamsa Dhatu gets its nourishment from the previous Dhatu i.e., Rakta dhatu. Its major role is Lepana - which basically means providing shapes to different body parts, contributing in locomotive activities like functioning of different organs - oesophagus, blood vessel, kidney, stomach, small intestine and urinary bladder, etc. , heart beat and speaking in a nutshell, the overall strength and equilibrium of muscle tissues. It is proportional to Kapha Dosha.


Mamsa Dhatu supplies nourishment to Meda Dhatu to help it in its main function - Snehana - to provide lubrication in the body. As it goes parallel to Kapha Dosha, increase in intake of Kapha dominant food results in an increase of Meda Dhatu. It is responsible for providing protection to the body organs like heart, kidneys, joints and bones by providing a supportive covering. 


Asthi Dhatu which mimics bone tissue gets its nutrition from Meda Dhatu. It is inversely proportional to Vata Dosha which means with an increase in Vata Dosha, Asthi Dhatu decreases - hence in old age our bones density starts decreasing. Its major role consists of - Dharna - which translates to providing support to essential organs like brain, heart and kidney and keeping bodies intact and erect. It also assists in voluntary movements of our limbs. It provides sustenance to - 


Majja Dhatu, whose aim is Poorana - to fill in the bone cavity. It is controlled by Kapha Dosha. Apart from its main function, it also helps to get rid of old cells from circulation, generate red and white blood cells, bone cells, etc. 


Garbhotpadana / Reproduction is the major function of Shukra Dhatu, which is commanded by Kapha Dosha in human bodies. It gets nourishment from Majja Dhatu and is responsible for the secretion of sex hormones - estrogen, progestrone and testosterone. 


Doesn’t it blow your mind to see how the research in Modern Science today has already been proven since the advent of Ayurveda. 



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Kamna Rajpal