House of Beauty Hair Growth Spray 30ml

for hair loss & thinning| Procapil, Redensyl, Hairgensyl, Biotin, Anagain


Hair thinning, Hairfall, weak hair follicles troubling you? 
House of Beauty’s Hair Growth Spray is the ultimate product that you need, made with patented actives like Hairgenyl, Redensyl, Saw Palmetto, Ginseng & Anagain

Hairgenyl™ is an active ingredient derived from Peumus boldus (Boldo tree) extract and is designed to stimulate hair growth by targeting the mitochondrial activity of dermal papilla cells. 
Redensyl™ is a plant-based hair growth ingredient that targets hair follicle stem cells (called ORSc stem cells)
Procapil™ is a combination of three main ingredients: biotinyl-GHK (a derivative of biotin), apigenin (a flavonoid), and oleanolic acid, helps in targeting hair loss or thinning.
Saw Palmetto
is a natural DHT-blocker derived from the berries of the Serenoa repens plant. It is used in hair growth &  to combat androgenic alopecia (hormonal hair loss).

Key Benefits
  • Stimulates New Hair Growth – Activates hair follicle stem cells (Redensyl™ & Anagain™)
  • Extends Hair Growth Cycle – Keeps hair in the anagen (growth) phase for longer (Hairgenyl™ & Anagain™)
  • Blocks DHT (Hormonal Hair Loss) – Prevents follicle shrinkage and thinning (Saw Palmetto)
  • Strengthens Hair Follicles – Provides essential nutrients to boost hair thickness (Ginseng & Redensyl™)
  • Improves Scalp Health – Increases blood circulation and soothes inflammation (Ginseng &Hairgenyl™)
  • Lightweight & Non-Greasy – A water-based formula that absorbs quickly without residue
How to use

  • Step 1: Section your hair, and spray hair growth spray all over scalp.
  • Step 2: Can be used in the morning or at night.
  • Step 3: Use everyday for 90 days for best results.
  • Step 4: Best used with House of beauty Anti hairfall shampoo

Manufacturer & Other Details

Manufactured By : Brand Owned by HOB Cosmetics Private Limited

Marketed By : HOB Cosmetics Private Limited, 511 GF, Udyog Vihar, Phase V, Sector 19, Gurugram - 122008