Blogs & News - House of Beauty
Who Founded Face Yoga?
While there are plenty of people out there who claim to have founded face yoga like Fumiko Takatsu, Danielle Collins, and many more but have you ever thought about the credibility they hold? Most of us already know that India is the land of origin for yoga and ayurveda, then how come they found face yoga? Vibhuti Arora the founder of Face Yoga school india
Face Yoga Exercises for Nose
Exercises to reduce Nose size is the most asked question after Dark Circle reduction. Vibhuti Arora's House of Beauty & Face Yoga School in India are here to teach you face yoga exercises that can be included in your routine for overall facial toning, which may indirectly contribute to a more uplifted appearance around the nose.
Acupressure Points For Acne
acupressure, acne, ageing, relaxation, face yoga by house of beauty India
Being a Face Yoga teacher is both exciting and difficult. You can live this dream if you have the necessary skill set. If you enjoy Face Yoga, want to help people, and are considering building a career in this field, it is very important to know about it. This blog will walk you through the steps to becoming a Certified Face Yoga teacher.
Face yoga a natural Facelift?
The concept of yoga has existed for many years, and so has face yoga. There are many people who claim that face yoga acts as a natural face lift.